TIPY na zlepšení mobility

Co si budeme povídat, mobilitu a mrštnost potřebuje trénovat každý z nás… Pár tipů na skvělé cvičení a vylepšení našeho pohybu od Vigor Ground:

33 Mobility Exercises You Can Use Right Away———————-One of the best things we help clients ad to their day is a ritual of mobility exercises that address restrictions and can help them move better and improve every day life as well as performance.We like to work with each individual to address their specific needs, but I get asked about what we do very frequently and wanted to share 33 mobility exercises that you can ad to your ritual right away (pick and choose which ones you can do right now and go from there).Let me know if you have any questions.

Zveřejnil(a) Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance dne 11. září 2017


foto: freepik.com

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